Food & Diet

Exercise & diet are like the two sides of the same coin. It is impossible to choose which is more important / effective / result oriented.

Broadly, following proper and timely daily routine with necessary nutritious food is the way to maintain health and fitness.. Healthy food provides our body all the required nutrients and necessary vitamins, proteins, minerals, healthy fat and carbohydrate.

We need to make friends with our diet because eating right, eating often and eating on time (and not starving) is the only way to achieve that perfect body. To be able to eat right and to eat on time, we need to connect with our bodies. We need to improves our blood circulation, strengthen the digestive system and intestines.  It will prevent us from overstuffing our stomachs and train our bodies to break down calories from food instead of storing it as fat.

Dieting does not mean avoiding calories, cutting down on rice, sweets, fried food or some other random dos and don’ts. It involves a deeper understanding of interaction of food with your enzymes, your ability to assimilate nutrients, discard out waste completely from the body.We all understand that any decision based on half-baked knowledge is misinformation and is bound to fail; To make the most of your resolution, you first need to understand that you may need more education about food and exercise, and that you may need to invest both time and money to gain that. You need a plan that will suit your individual body types, as well as a diet that will fulfill your nutritional deficiencies.


Regular exercises tones up our body muscles, keeps the skin fresh, keeps the spine straight and fit, regulates the digestive system functioning and improves blood circulation of the whole body.

Exercise promotes heart functioning and gives it strength to pump more blood at faster rate all through the body. Thus, we can say that exercise and proper nutrition regularly help a person to keep all his organs in absolute fitness. Exercise and healthy foods are the way to keep body and mind healthy as well as avoid health hazards and medication. Both are necessary for the people of all ages.


Lifestyle & Mindset

Health and fitness means the efficient and proper working of all the body parts such as heart, nervous system, kidneys, liver, digestive system, brain, etc. A healthy and a fit person is the one with healthy functioning body organs. Being healthy and fit is not so easy in today’s crowded and polluted environment. It is a big challenge to maintain fitness in the modern world.

Human body has many independently working organs which are interdependent on each other. If one organ suffer a problem, it affects the functioning of the other organs too. Human body has many important internal organs whose functions are not visible to us from outside. So, how can we keep our internal organs safe and in proper working order to maintain our health and fitness ?